It has been Mr. Bhandari's honor to serve on the Baltimore County Government's Pedestrian and Bicycling Advisory committee(PBAC) representing district six on behalf of our country chairwoman the honorable Cathy Bevins. He is pleased to inform our constituents that the PBAC's adopted work program for the fiscal year 2014 was completed. The progress includes the construction of physical improvement throughout the urbanized area of our county through targeted projects such as UMBC- Arbutus-Halesthrope MARC Bike Route and Towson Bikeway Loop Project, Edmonson Ave. Bike Lanes, North East Trail ( Indian Rock Segment) Catonsville Community Park Trail. Additionally, the progress includes the implementation of supportive legislation- Bill 48-13, Resolution 126-13- and undertaking of various educational, encouragement and enforcement program. He thanks County Executive the honorable Kevin Kamenetz, Councilman Todd Huff, the honorable Tom Quirk, Councilwoman the honorable Vicki Almond, Councilman the honorable Kenneth N. Oliver, Councilman the honorable David Marks, Council Chairwoman the honorable Cathy Bevins and Councilman the Honorable John Olszewski for moving our county forward with all of their incredible leaderships.
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